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The relationship between an Approved Training Organization ATO, National Training Organization NTO and Non-Approved Training Provider N-ATP
The relationship between an Approved Training Organization ATO, National Training Organization NTO and Non-Approved Training Provider N-ATP One of the most frequent questions asked concerns the relationship between EASA approved training organization ATO Part 147 and National Training Organization NTO. Typically, this relates to the fundamental misunderstanding regarding the role of an EASA Part 147 approval […]

Defined training procedures for on-the-job training certifying staff Part-66.
Defined training procedures for on-the-job training certifying staff Part-66. The full training procedures for on-the-job training is described as per Section 6 of Appendix III to Part-66. Aircraft training and examination standard-On the Job Training and to perform the OJT is related to category and scope of work. All subjects related in nature and duration […]

Responsibilities to ensure the competence of all MRO personal incl. Management
Responsibilities to ensure the competence of all MRO personal incl. Management The Accountable Manager is responsible for ensuring the competence of all personnel including management personnel has been assessed. The responsibility of a Nominated person cannot be delegated to other Manager(s), unless such Manager(s) is/are identified as “Deputy Nominated Person” for the related function (e.g. Deputy Maintenance […]

Duties and Responsibilities of a Quality Manager MRO subject to Human Factors
Duties and Responsibilities of a Quality Manager MRO subject to Human Factors The quality manger is responsible for establishing feedback from maintenance incidents/issues and feeding these back into the continuation training program. As part of SMS or the safety culture provided by the accountable manager and implemented by performing Human Factors Continuation Training. Pls. Note […]