Purchase all technical trainings at one place A marketplace to find and buy technical trainings quickly and easily
The most simple way to buy technical trainings Find and buy technical aviation trainings with a few clicks
Experience the simple way of training booking now!
Simplify all steps of training procurement Get support over from the beginning to the end

Smart functionality to automate your process See our four solutions
Default Marketplace functionality
- Buy trainings
- Conduct online trainings
anonymously - Interface to your TMS
Manage training staff
- All BASIC functionality
- Manage staff trainings
- Email Templates
- Conduct online trainings
and store results - Archive Certificates
Automate your processes
- All LEARN functionality
- Manage qualitfications
and authorizations - Get expiration reminder
- Compliance Monitoring
Cockpit - Staff Self Management
Automate your processes
- All CONTROL functionality
- Digital Competence Assessment
- Manage OJT Books and
trainings - Certificate Upload
- Intelligent training booking
- Interfaces to Production
The most simple way of training booking Find and book your training with a few clicks. Request offers, exchange certificates and settle invoices fully digitally