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Pricing: Smart Qualification Manager

Grow with your challenges. All standard features are marked with (L) on feature site.

If you are interested in a custom solution which can be run on-premise see our application toolkit cimoio aero or do not hesitate to contact us.

Choose Your Plan
  •    FACTS
  •    ROLES
  •    Mechanics
    Mechanics and all staff with assigned authorizations and qualifications
  •    Manager
  •    Training Coordinator
  •    Quality Engineer
  •    Quality Manager
  •    HR Manager
  •    IT-Manager
  •    Trainer
  •    Managed Identities
  •    Hosting
  •    Server Location
  •    Payment Method
  •    Payment Reference
  •    Contract Period
  •    Maintenance
  •    Continous Releases
  •    First Level Support
  •    Second Level Support
  •    Standard Configuration
  •    Custom Configuration
  •    Customization
  •    Feature Request
  •     Automatic Revokement
  •    Competence Assessment
  •    Comprehensive Reporting
  •    Define Authorization Profile
  •    Direct Updating
  •    Expiration Alarm
  •    Issuing Workflow
  •    Custom Workflows
  •    Manager Team Dashboard
  •    Monitoring Cockpit
  •    Staff Self Monitoring
  •    Audit Trail
  •    Equivalency Check
  •    Bulk Upload
  •    Digital Certifications
  •    Direct Upload By Staff
  •    Missing Certificates Alarm
  •    Quick Retrieving
  •    Storage Of Certificates
  •    Comprehend Authorization    Profiles
  •    Confirm Authorizations
  •    Explore Trainings Catalog
  •    Get Expiration Alarm
  •    Monitor Staff In Team
  •    Perform Web Based Trainings
  •    Process Read & Sign
  •    Proof Authorization To    Auditors
  •    Receive Intelligent Booking    Proposals
  •    See Training History
  •    Self Booking Of Trainings
  •    Set Qualifications
  •    Track Authorization Status
  •    Upload Of Certificates
  •    Monitoring Cockpit
  •    Automized Emailing
  •    Comprehensive Reporting
  •    Define Training Product
  •    Direct Updating
  •    Document Training Results
  •    Organize Invitations &    Cancelations
  •    Plan Training Events
  •    Planning Of Training Budgets
  •    Resource Management
  •    Self Booking For Manager
       And Staff
  •    Todo List For Coordination
  •    Training History
  •    Perform Virtual Training
  •    Create OJT Books
  •    Track OJT Progress
  •    Update OJT Status
  •    Control OJT Book Printouts
  •    Initial and
       Complementary Books
  •    Import Tasks
  •    Structured Import/Export
  •    REST API
  •    Custom Web Service


€ 3/ month / mechanic
  • as subscribed
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • qamaas Cloud
  • Germany
  • Credit Card
  • per Mechanic
  • yearly
  • Knowledge Base
  • Email (within 72 hours)
  • via Community Area


8€/ month / mechanic
  • as subscribed
  • 3
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1 per Mechanic
  • qamaas Cloud
  • Germany
  • Credit Card
  • per Mechanic
  • yearly
  • Knowledge Base
  • Email (within 72 hours)
  • via Community Area


12€/ month / mechanic
  • as subscribed
  • 10
  • 2
  • 2
  • 1
  • 2
  • 2
  • 2 per Mechanic
  • qamaas Cloud
  • Germany
  • Invoice
  • per Mechanic
  • yearly
  • Knowledge Base
  • Email (within 72 hours)
  • via Community Area


12€1€/ month / mechanic
  • as subscribed (min. 400)
  • Private Cloud
  • Germany
  • Invoice
  • per Company Size
  • yearly
  • ()
  • via Service Success Manager